Cheng Shin ATV Tires Articles and Reviews

Cheng Shin ATV Tires Articles and Reviews

Cheng Shin ATV Tire Styles
Cheng Shin has been distributing ATV tires to over 150 countries in the world for decades. It isn’t every day that you come across a tire manufacturer that is this dedicated to the ATV industry. But Cheng Shin is that kind of company. And because of this, it is currently ranked as the ninth largest tire company in the world.
Adam McGill Propels Cheng Shin Tires to First Ever Victory at GNCC
Round 9 of the 2014 GNCC series was very crucial as it was the last before the summer break. Adam McGill and his Cheng Shin pulse tires went to the event with high hopes and were not disappointed. He managed to outshine the series leader to first position. This was his third first place finish at the circuit and the first this year. By the end of the race, he managed to secure the third place finish in the standings.