What Makes Bushwacker Fender Flares Great?

What Makes Bushwacker Fender Flares Great?

Fender flares come in many shapes and sizes all from different manufacturers. To the normal person, all fender flare may look the same but to car enthusiasts, the difference between fender flares is all in the features and functionality. The best fender flares are those that are functional and practical meaning that they add real value to the car.
All black Ford F-150

They are made using high-quality flexible materials to ensure bumps and scrapes do not slow you down. This makes them better compared to most other fender flares in the market made using fiberglass. Their durability also makes them even better than the “premium flares” made using urethane and cost a fortune.

Even in extremely cold weather when you can’t feel your legs, these fender flares will stay intact and remain flexible. Fading is an unknown issue when it comes to Bushwacker fender flares since they are coated using 100% UV protected Dura-Flex 2000.

Fitting Is Not an Issue

Bushwacker fender flares fit perfectly on any car without any issues. They fit perfectly well just like the OE flares and they look just as good. Scratch that, these flares look better than the OE ones as they have a better style and design. These fender flares fit perfectly on any vehicle as they are custom made to the exact specifications of that car. The fact that they fit easily on any car means that they can be installed even with those with no technical skills and are trying it for the first time.
All black Ford F-150 with a girl in a T-back

Spoilt For Choice

With Bushwacker fender flares, you will always be spoilt for choice as to which style to go for. This is because Bushwacker knows that different people have different style needs. Bushwacker fender flares come in two different styles for Jeeps and five different styles for SUVs and trucks. This means that you do not have to look like everybody else when on the road. I mean how uncool is it to drive around and look like everybody else, pretty uncool right?

Some of the styles you can get from Bushwacker include the OE style flares, cut-out fender flares, extend-a-fender flares, pocket style fender flares, street flares, pocket style, and flat style flares.

By: James Langston
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