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Wheel Replicas Offer Factory Flavor

For the past 20 years the Texas-based company, Wheel Replicas, has had one business plan: to offer wholesale pricing to the public while maintaining an unsurpassed focus on quality and safety.  

If you are wondering why you have never seen Wheel Replica’s models on display at your local wheel and tire shop, don’t be surprised. Part of the secret to Replica’s success is noticing the trend of car enthusiasts choosing to purchase their aftermarket goodies online rather than at speed shops. That is why Replica chose to offer their products strictly on trusted websites such as 4WheelOnline.com. For Wheel Replicas, this meant being able to save on advertising and shipping costs tire stores around the globe. The savings were then passed down to the consumer who can buy his wheels at wholesale prices. By doing this, Replica Wheels have continually been the go-to choice for budget minded enthusiasts.

They’re Affordable, But Are They Good?

Yesterday I was at a wheel and tire shop with my girlfriend. We were waiting around in the lobby, flipping through magazines while she got a tire patched for her Toyota. A few minutes went by and she went over to the gumball machines. There were two machines right next to each other. Identical machines with identical gumballs, however, one of the gumball machines had a sticker on the front that said “25-Cents” and the other one “10-cents.” She was convinced that the 25-cent gumballs would be better than the ones that cost only a dime, so she put a quarter in to get her gum.

I was amazed at this logic, so I asked the owner if there was any difference in the gumballs. According to him, he bought the second machine off a friend and for whatever reason, it only accepted dimes so he only charged 10-cents, but people still money in the quarter gumball machine.

Now, I know that 25-cents isn’t a lot of money, but my significant other was willing to pay more than double the price of a product, just because the other one seemed too cheap.

It’s this same train of thought that scares some would-be consumers from buying Wheel Replicas. “If they’re that affordable, they can’t be any good,” a customer may think.

However, Wheel Replica are built in a state of the art manufacturing facility and very wheel is hand-inspected prior to shipment. Additionally, the engineers at Whel Replicas always utilize the latest casting and coating methods to make their wheels last a lifetime.

The wheels that are offered by Replicas have passed or exceeded the same safety tests as “big name” wheel brands. Plus, they are all street-legal and are DOT approved.

OE Replica’s 2014 Line

OE Replica Wheels offers a wide selection of wheels to choose from, with your choice of design, size, and finish. As always, you can check our selection of Wheel Replicas. Here are some of our personal favorites:
  • The Jeep SRT8 Wheel: The SRT8 Replica is offered in a huge 20’’ diameter and features a deep offset design and a black and chrome finish.
  • Escalade Wheels demand attentions. Whether you are sprucing up your ‘Slade with a new set of shoes, or being a trend setter by putting them on your mini-truck, these wheels are high-quality and one-piece aluminum.
  • Yukon Denali Chrome: If you have ever ridden in a Denali, you know that everything about them is big and bad. These wheels are no exception. The Chrome finish and 20’’ to 22’’ options can make these wheels turn heads at any stoplight.
Even if you are happy with the performance and style of your current OEM wheels, the thought may have crossed your mind to powdercoat or paint your rims. This process is often time consuming and expensive to do a quality job.

For the price you might spend at a custom wheel shop, you could have just as easily purchased polished chrome, silver, high gloss or matte black wheel finishes from Wheel Replicas. Whichever style or rim you decide to buy, know that you can buy with confidence. Wheel Replicas has a 100% overall rating on their website and a flawless rating from the Better Business Bureau.

If you have any questions about Wheel Replicas and the models that are available, be sure to call the wheel experts at 4WheelOnline.com at 813-769-2451. By Sean Bowes
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