Steel Snow Blade Information

Steel Snow Blade Information

steelSteel snow blades are the best for tough, frigid snow buildup.
Why Get a Steel Snow Blade?

Tough conditions call for tough products, and that is exactly what a steel snow blade is. If you are plowing through extremely rough conditions, the strength of a steel snow blade will not fail you. Steel snow blades are the best option because:

  • They have a longer wear-life. The steel construct is more likely to be able to withstand the pressure of rough areas. If snow is heavily packed or you are faced with potentially dangerous areas, a steel snow plow blade will be able to handle the pressure and not break down. This will also help you save money because you will not have to spend money on replacements.

  • Steel works great with hard packed snow and ice. Sometimes in extremely frigid areas, snow may be difficult to plow. Polyurethane blades may not be able to handle ice that has settled and turned into a frozen rock. During these times, you will not want to settle for anything other than a steel blade.

  • Steel looks great! When you are plowing snow, you want to look serious. With a steel snow blade, you will look tough and command the respect that you deserve.

Where Do Steel Snow Plow Blades Work Best?

snowheavyIn regions with ice and hard-packed snow, you are going to need a steel snow plow blade. One of the best snow plow companies that feature steel snow plow blades is Kolpin.
Every snow storm and every region of the country is different, so how do you know if a steel snow plow is really what you need? As mentioned above, areas that are filled with hard-packed snow and/or ice require a steel blade’s higher grade performance. Hard-packed snow occurs in areas where snow is allowed to pile up for significant periods of time. The density of the snow increases in these areas because the weight of the top layer of snow is pressing down on the lower levels and creating a more compact, ice-like arrangement. These conditions are more likely to occur in areas of high, rapid snowfall or in areas like the countryside that don’t get snow plowed very often.

There are many challenges that come with snowplowing, so it’s important that you give yourself the proper equipment. For tough outdoor use, steel snowplow blades are the sure choice. If you have any questions about snowplowing or steel snowplow products, feel free to contacts us at 4wheelonline anytime.

By: Tim Snyder
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