Grille Articles and Reviews

Grille Articles and Reviews

Three of Today’s Top Billet Grille Manufacturers
A good billet grille, made to the right specifications and with the right quality, can serve to protect the front parts of your car very well.A lot of firms are now turning to innovative and unique designs to make their grilles stand out. We shall look into four of these firms and what they have in store for the ardent grille shopper.
The Pickup Truck Gets a New Identity
Pickup Trucks and 4x4s used to be work vehicles but they are currently changing their identities. More and more people are buying trucks and Jeeps as ‘family’ vehicles and the manufacturers are currently developing the next generation of pickups to cater to the family market. Expect to see bolder body styling such as more elaborate grilles and a rise in the aftermarket styling and accessory market as pickups and 4x4s evolve into ‘domesticated’ vehicles.
Truck Grille Information and History
Why is a truck grille so important? Originally grills were designed to cool down engines in American muscle cars. Car companies were competing to make the fastest cars and the over-sized engines needed extra help cooling down. Today however, grills serve an entirely different purpose...